Councillor Portfolios

Councillor Portfolios

Councillor Portfolios 2024/25

Jill Mavin Simon Randall Tim Yates Jan Lund John Roxby Amelia Harvey Craig Satchwell
Councillor Chair Councillor Councillor Councillor Vice Chair Councillor
Allotments Planning Transport Environment & Sustainability Highways Playground Social Media
Library Shipton Fair NBH Liaison Flooding Emergency Planning Shipton Fair TVP Liaison
Schools Liaison PCC Liaison Telecomms Trees & Hedges Hedges & Grass Verges
Shipton Fair Burial Ground
Defibs & Generator

Shipton Volunteers will continue as a Working Group, led by Carole Arnold, Richard Arnold and Rob Dyer.  Please contact the Parish Council Clerk, Zoe Thornburgh, should you have any queries.

Shipton Under Wychwood Parish Council