Councillors are hereby summoned to attend a Meeting of the Parish Council on
Thursday 16th June 2022, 7:30pm to 9:30pm at the New Beaconsfield Hall
Members of the public are invited to attend and can make statements or queries, preferably by prior request to the Clerk
- Public participation session
- To receive apologies for absence
- To receive declarations of pecuniary interest from councillors relating to agenda items
- To sign, as a correct record, the minutes of the meeting held on 19th May 2022.
- Matters of report arising from the previous minutes not covered on the agenda
- County and District Councillor reports
- Planning:
- Applications received from WODC
22/01301/FUL Quarry Hill Farm Shipton Under Wychwood
Conversion of outbuilding to create two holiday lets and associated works.
22/01357/LBC & 22/01356/HHD Old School House Church Street Shipton-under-Wychwood
Internal and external alterations to erect single storey extension to provide
20/00991/FUL Land North Of Gas Lane And Ascott Road Shipton Under Wychwood
Erection of two detached dwellings together with associated landscaping and
alterations to existing vehicular access (amended plans)
22/01389/S73 Land North Of Gas Lane And Ascott Road Shipton Under Wychwood
Variation of condition 2 of planning permission 20/00991/FUL to allow the addition
of a dormer window to Plot 1 and ensuite and dormer window to Plot 2.
22/01401/HHD Grove Farmhouse High Street Shipton Under Wychwood
Demolition of an existing lean-to link extension and north-west projecting single
storey outbuildings. Refurbishment works to include erection of replacement single
storey rear extension. Re-opening of the original pedestrian access gate due east
together with landscaping and associated works.
- Under consideration with WODC
22/00725/LBC & 22/00612/FUL The Old Prebendal House, Station Rd, Shipton under Wychwood
Alterations to carry out flood mitigation works & new gates together with landscaping
and associated works
Supported by Parish Council, with concerns submitted regarding the need for drains
survey by OCC and potential increased risk of flooding to adjacent houses.
- WODC decisions
22/00778/HHD Rosedale Cottage, Fiddlers Hill, Shipton under Wychwood
Erection of a single-storey rear extension and front porch. Alterations to include
conversion of loft space with construction of a rear box dormer.
Parish Council made no objection but submitted concerns re the appearance of aspects visible from the road, specifically the UPVC windows and box dormer, and urged the conservation officer to monitor these.
Approved by WODC 12/05/22
22/00883/HHD Langley Mill Cottage, Shipton Road, Ascott under Wychwood
Extension and renovation
Parish Council made no objection.
Approved by WODC 30/05/22
22/00899/HHD 4 Court Close, Shipton under Wychwood
Single storey rear extension to replace existing conservatory
Parish Council made no objection.
Approved by WODC 19/05/22
22/00936/HHD & 22/00937/LBC Classrooms Church Path Station Road
Internal & external alterations to insert new conservation rooflight to rear elevation
Parish Council made no objection.
Approved by WODC 30/05/22
- Other planning issues
21/04013/LBC & 21/04012/HHD Salus House, Milton Road, SUW
Garden room extension, fenestration alterations to boot room and outdoor swimming pool
Parish Council objected
Application withdrawn 25/05/22
- To authorise a list of due payments which arise on a regular basis as the result of a continuing contract, statutory duty or obligation, eg. Salaries, PAYE, & parish maintenance
- To review Internal Audit
- To consider NBH lease, partic floodlighting clause (MC)
- To consider maintenance of Simons Lane waterway (clerk on behalf of CA)
- To decide Councillors authorised to countersign the return by promoter forms under the Gambling Act 2005 (clerk)
- To consider security of recreation field access and other open areas (HHB)
- To review Operation London Bridge plan (clerk)
- To consider 20mph zone application (HHB)
- To consider GWR (or other) funding for apprenticeship in rural crafts (SR)
- To clarify portfolios of Environment and Emergency Planning (HHB/JL)
- To decide author(s) for bi-monthly Wychwood magazine article (clerk)
- To discuss/approve ideas for Shipton Fair (TY)
- To consider quotes for tree works as recommended in TreeTech report (TY)
- To consider quotes for cleaning of war memorial (clerk)
- To consider items raised by Cllr Randall on his ‘Introduction’ paper (SR)
a, Conservation Area boundary and any associated WODC statements/appraisals
b, 2011 Parish census statistics
c, Public map of our local footpaths
d, A survey of trees in the village not owned by the Council
e, A photographic record of Shipton
- To decide topics for Wychwoods Working Together meeting (all)
- Financial & Administrative Matters:
a, To receive the monthly financial summary & approval of payments (clerk)
b, To agree the reserves for 2022/23 (clerk)
c, To review Council’s payment methods (clerk)
d, To consider application for a PC Charge card (clerk)
- Councillor portfolios – to receive reports on activities
- Allotments, Schools Liaison, Library (JM)
- Transport, Telecommunications, Burial Ground, NBH, Generator, Shipton Fair (TY)
- Shipton Volunteers, Benche, RFO Support, NBH, Shipton Fair (CA)
- Playground, Planning, Defib/Generator (MC)
- Highways (HHB)
- Environment, Emergency Planning (JL)
- Planning, PCC Liaison (SR)
- To receive reports from Community Groups & Organisations
- Report of Clerk, communications and noteworthy correspondence
- Any other business – for information only (all)
- Date of the next meeting: 21st July 2022.
9th June 2022
Zoe Thornburgh, Clerk to Shipton under Wychwood Parish Council
9 William Bliss Avenue, Chipping Norton OX7 5LT
Phone: 07890 433928. Email: